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Keiki Econ Dictionary

Definitions of common economics terms appropriate for lower grade levels


BARTER: trading one good for another without the use of money.​



CAPITAL RESOURCES: goods that are used to make other goods and services.


CHOICE: deciding between two or more options.


COMPANY: a business that uses resources to produce and sell products.


CONSUMER: a person who buys and uses goods or services.


CURRENCY: the good everyone uses to buy things. See 'Money'.



DELAYED GRATIFICATION: choosing to wait for something better in the future. See 'Instant Gratification'.


DEMAND: is the relationship between the price of a good and how much everyone wants to buy.



ECONOMICS: is the study of how best to use limited resources.


EQUILIBRIUM PRICE: the price where there are no remaining buyers or sellers who could both benefit from exchange.​



​​GOODS: items people buy. Contrast with 'Services'.



HIDOE ACRONYMS: for a useful guide to the common acronyms used across the Hawaii Department of Education system see here.


HUMAN RESOURCES: people working to produce goods and services.



INCOME: the money you earn from working.


INSTANT GRATIFICATION: wanting something immediately, when waiting would be better. See 'Delayed Gratification'.




MONEY: what people use to buy things with and set how much things cost. See 'Currency'.



NATURAL RESOURCES: goods that come from nature.


NEEDS: things we must have to live (e.g. water, food, shelter). Contrast with 'Wants'.


NON-RIVAL GOODS: goods that everyone can enjoy at once.



OPPORTUNITY COST: the value lost from the second best choice that could have been chosen, but was not chosen.



PATIENCE: waiting calmly for something. See 'Delayed Gratification'.


PRIVATE GOODS: goods that only you can use.


PRODUCER: a person who makes goods or provides services.


PUBLIC GOODS: things that everyone can have and enjoy at the same time.



REWARD: something you receive in return for your behavior or effort.


RIVAL GOODS: goods that only a limited number of people can enjoy at once.



SAVE: to put money aside for future use.


SCARCITY: when there is not enough for everyone to have all that they want.


SERVICES: work done by someone to help another person. Contrast with 'Goods'.​


SUPPLY: is the relationship between the price of a good and how much everyone wants to produce.



WANTS: things we would like to have but can live without (e.g. toys, games). Contrast with 'Needs'.

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